Sunday, January 6, 2008

Quiet time, resolution time.

The boys insisted on playing with a hot wheels toy they got from Dad before we went to Minnesota, so they are playing cars, and I have a few moments before the boys need to get to bed.

I have been contemplating setting a "resolution" for the New Year. I was reading a blog about the top 10 resolutions, and surprisingly, my "pending" resolution wasn't on it. I know that many of them are great goals, but they are very breakable and generic...notice you never see things like, "stop picking my nose", or "stop farting in public" on these lists.

1-Spend more time with family and friends. That is a great goal, but I know that I am very family oriented, and maybe I should NOT spend so much time with my children. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, but I hope to one day have a night away, just Randy and I, to go do something. OR Nothing. Maybe go race go-carts, or even go on a motorcycle ride together. We went on a few dates this last summer, and it would be so fun to extend the date for a few more hours. On a more personal note, why shouldn't I try to do more things for my husband? He works so hard for our family, and he should be able to come home to a clean, uncluttered home (even the gather-all area) and a pleasant wife. Sometimes, I am not too pleasant. Who me?

2-Lose weight. Ok, I am a bit heavy on the thigh. And the butt. And maybe a little around the tongue. Not that I am heavy, per se, but I could still work on that a bit. I need to work on portions really. Why do they make plates bigger than my head? Maybe use the small "toast" sized plates for a while. And eat more fiber, if you know what I mean.

3-Get Fit. Ok, these are the same in my opinion. Thankfully we now have Y memberships and can get laughed at in public. work on my inverted crow pose for yoga.

4-Quit smoking. I think it would be better said...Quit lighting myself on fire. Or, Quit running super fast and burning the rubber off my shoes. I already quit cigarettes, 6 years ago, so again, it goes back to not lighting myself on fire in the first place-which I haven't done to date.

5-Enjoy life more. OK, this seems doable, but generic. How about, quit being a crabby pants, or quit being negative, or quit being worried about germs in a public restroom. Or phrase it completely opposite. Create my own happiness. After all, I am the only one who can allow happiness in my life. If I rely on any human to "complete me", I am setting them up for failure.

6-Quit Drinking. Good thought, but impossible. Water is so essential, that I wouldn't want to be quitting that anytime soon. Plus, quitters never win, in fact I could die. Drinking more would be more appropriate for this one.

7-Get out of debt. Working on that one all ready, but it seems futile, at least for the time being. How about, stop spending money on stupid stuff. Be frugal, or, in my case, a "Fru-Gal". And use Cash. Thanks, Dave Ramsey.

8-Learn something new. I normally do this every day anyhow, since I have 2 boys who constantly teach me. How about create good habits and stick to them? Give the dog an empty plastic water bottle and see how much fun he can have. Now that is new. And funny.

9-Help Others. This isn't a bad goal, but it seems so generic. How about serve others? Find out their needs, and fill them. A conversation with a senior, an unexpected hug. Or, go pee for my husband. He always asks me to do that, especially when he doesn't want to get up off the couch. I know it is physically impossible, but it is still a goal!

10-Get Organized. A little generic for me, but I can work with it. My bathroom, linen closet and tv stand need it. My "craft" area is still unfinished, and my days are not as routine as I would like. Flylady, here I come.

All seriousness aside, my pending resolution isn't up there. But is isn't surprising, since all of the above resolutions deal with changing the flesh. God's Word tells me to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom..." (Col 3:16) and that through Christ, I can have victory over sin in my life (1 Cor 15:57). Not that I won't sin, (because believe me, I am a PRO!), but I can choose to walk after the Spirit, instead of my flesh.

I am resolved to be in God's Word of Truth daily, letting IT fill my mind. Set my affection (my mind) on things above, not on things of the earth. (Col 3:2)-- And that doesn't mean the OZONE Layer! Walk after the Spirit. Give out The Gospel of the Grace of God. Understand that it is impossible to try to make my flesh conform to a standard that it can never live up to. God accepts my new man that he created in me, not my old man-my flesh. Once I trusted Christ's finished work on the cross as payment for my sins, (1 Cor 15:1-4) my only hope for eternal life, God made me a new creature (2 Cor 5:17), and my new man is accepted, complete, forgiven, justified, righteous, approved, eternally secure, among many other wonderful spiritual blessings. Thank you God for providing a way for me to get to heaven, since I could never do it on my own.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.

I can only attempt to do any "resolution". Living my life through the Spirit will be the ultimate goal.

Praise the Lord for Victory through His Grace. And for making belly buttons-since my boys' are so cute. Bedtime now!

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