Friday, November 18, 2011


Writing. It really isn't that difficult, is it? I find myself writing to my friends, family, and children, but I rarely take time to document LIFE. What really is there to say outside of the "normal"?

Take, for instance, our daily routine(or in my case-the lack of a daily routine). It consists of waking up, making breakfast for the boys and myself, then school at home. By the time lunch and school is done, Randy comes home and the boys flock to him each day like a chicken to scratch! The joy that erupts from them when they spend time with their father is a wonderful thing to observe. As I type, my heart is overflowing with how amazing my husband is with our sons.

But, I digress...

We hang out at the house, talk about our day, we make dinner, the kids go to bed, and we head to bed as well. We repeat the same thing day after day and it is strangely comforting.

So what has changed since my last entry?

The boys are growing and learning. Our oldest is 8, our youngest just turned 6 last month. They wrestle, argue, play, learn, and laugh together. They truly are best friends.

Randy is still working hard. He is not looking forward to the winter weather, but he will get over it. (I hope!)

The garden has come and gone. It was as fruitful as I was diligent. (Note to self... more diligence is needed for next year!)

There have been changes in our flock size. At the height of our somewhat temporary insanity, we had 24 birds. There were 4 Turkeys, 2 guineas, and 18 chickens. Currently we have 17 chickens total. We recently butchered 3 of the turkeys (one passed away before freezer camp day). The guineas were sold this summer to a local family. They were just too loud for our liking. The neighbor's dog (who unfortunately has uncooperative and indifferent owners) had his way with a few of the chickens over the last few months. However, we allowed 2 of the hens to hatch out babies. They (Clementine and E.D.) were born in August, and they are little stinkers! We also had replaced a few of the birds earlier in the year when we got the other fowl.

I have been, overall, pretty good. September was a tough month, as both of my paternal grandparents passed away within 4 days of each other. A trip back to be with family was bittersweet.

I have also been learning more with/about photography, and that is a nice respite. I am hoping to keep learning and getting out there and shooting. It excites me!

There have been ups and downs, but overall, LIFE truly is good. There are so many people out there that have things worse than us. Of course, other things have happened in our small world, but they are nothing compared to other people's worlds. I can only pray that they will one day know what "this" feels like.